Yeast Propagating and Recycling for saving cost in brewery?
- Oct 31, 2020
- 91
- tiantai
Yeast Propagating and Recycling for saving cost in brewery?
For brewing beer, production cost is also one of the factors that effecting the investing decision. The production cost includes ingredients, labor, building, energy, promotion cost etc. Here we only introduce the cost saving on yeast. Yeast is a kind of the ingredients.
Regarding to yeast, the Porpogation and Recycling are effective ways to save yeast cost.
But it is not suitable for all breweries to adopt them.
-Some breweris are suitable to propagate yeast;
-Some are suitable to recycle the yeast;
-Some are suitable for using both ways;
-But some breweries are not suitable for either way and can seek other way to save yeast cost.
Which way is suitable for a brewery (or not suitable), it is effected by those facors: The beer production and sell cycles.
It is not just a simple saying:
Ok, if save cost, you can propagate the yeast;
Ok if save cost, you can recycle the yeast.
If the produciton and sell cycles do not match, then the extra yeast tank might useless for you and just put it in the corner.
For example, when it is time to use the propagated yeast/recycled yeast, but the fermenters are all still full, then the yeast can not be used at it's best time and still need to stay in yeast tank for longer time.
This means 'un-matchful schedule between reusing yeast and fermrntation process'.
For some breweries, yeast cost saving can be realized via designing a unique operation schedule,which makes yeast to be fully used under a smooth operation cycle.
Two questions need to consider to know which is most suitable for you:
For example, if you have 1000L brewhouse with 6x2000L fermenters.
1) How often do you mash to fill 6x2000L fermenters within 2 or 3 weeks)
For example, do you plan to fill all the 6x2000L fermenters within the first 6 days ?
It means : mash 2 times per day, and mash 6 days continously to fill all the 6 fermenters within 6 days.
The other schedule is:
Fill 3 fermenters in the first week, and fill the other 3 fermenters in the second week.
It means: mash every two days, do not mash continously--Mash on monday, Wednesday, Firday to fill 3 fermenters in the first week.
2. How long time do you plan to empty a fermenter?
It means: When a fermenter beer is matured and can be sold, how long do you sell it out to make the fermenter empty?
With this two information, you could list a time schedule. Then you will know if you should propagate yeast, or recycle yeast, or change your operation schedule.
Edited by Jana Wang
Sales manager in Tiantai
For brewing beer, production cost is also one of the factors that effecting the investing decision. The production cost includes ingredients, labor, building, energy, promotion cost etc. Here we only introduce the cost saving on yeast. Yeast is a kind of the ingredients.
Regarding to yeast, the Porpogation and Recycling are effective ways to save yeast cost.
But it is not suitable for all breweries to adopt them.
-Some breweris are suitable to propagate yeast;
-Some are suitable to recycle the yeast;
-Some are suitable for using both ways;
-But some breweries are not suitable for either way and can seek other way to save yeast cost.
Which way is suitable for a brewery (or not suitable), it is effected by those facors: The beer production and sell cycles.
It is not just a simple saying:
Ok, if save cost, you can propagate the yeast;
Ok if save cost, you can recycle the yeast.
If the produciton and sell cycles do not match, then the extra yeast tank might useless for you and just put it in the corner.
For example, when it is time to use the propagated yeast/recycled yeast, but the fermenters are all still full, then the yeast can not be used at it's best time and still need to stay in yeast tank for longer time.
This means 'un-matchful schedule between reusing yeast and fermrntation process'.
For some breweries, yeast cost saving can be realized via designing a unique operation schedule,which makes yeast to be fully used under a smooth operation cycle.
Two questions need to consider to know which is most suitable for you:
For example, if you have 1000L brewhouse with 6x2000L fermenters.
1) How often do you mash to fill 6x2000L fermenters within 2 or 3 weeks)
For example, do you plan to fill all the 6x2000L fermenters within the first 6 days ?
It means : mash 2 times per day, and mash 6 days continously to fill all the 6 fermenters within 6 days.
The other schedule is:
Fill 3 fermenters in the first week, and fill the other 3 fermenters in the second week.
It means: mash every two days, do not mash continously--Mash on monday, Wednesday, Firday to fill 3 fermenters in the first week.
2. How long time do you plan to empty a fermenter?
It means: When a fermenter beer is matured and can be sold, how long do you sell it out to make the fermenter empty?
With this two information, you could list a time schedule. Then you will know if you should propagate yeast, or recycle yeast, or change your operation schedule.
Edited by Jana Wang
Sales manager in Tiantai