
Wort Aeration in brewery

  • Jul 18, 2019
  • 191
  • tiantai
Wort Aeration

As we know, the fermentation need large amounts of yeast, while yeast reproduction need oxygen in order to propogation and enter into fermentation progress at the same time. So we have to provide enough oxygen for yeast. Or it is not good for yeast propogation and normally fermentation progress.

In the complete brewing progress, wort aeration is the only chance to provide oxygen to yeast. The oxygen can be consumed within few hours. It is no harm to wort quality.

In order to make the oxygen dissolve into wort, it is necessary to flow in small bubble, and mix with cold wort with turbulence. Or the oxygen will overflow from wort due to oversized bubble, thus it can not reach to the purpose of wort aeration completely. Aeration amount has big influence to wort quality. If oxygen aeration amount over much ( higher 12mg/L), yeast will propogation largely, the ethanol produced will be less, the beer will light. If the aeration amount is less, oxygen dissolve amount lower 6mg/L, which will influence yeast propogation and fermentation function.

If the dissolved oxygen amount reach to 8 ~ 9mg/L in the wort, we must need to use large amount of air. Ideally, 3L air per 100L wort, in the real production, it need 10 times amount.
As some bubble can not dissolve into wort; besides, the air flow in is not even completely.

The compressed air have to be sterilize. Thus, it is necessary to place sterilize air filter before aeration. It will contaminate yeast with not sterilized air.

Edited by Derrick
Sales Manager in Tiantai Company

Wort Aeration Unit

Tags : beer brewing equipment    beer brewing system   
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