
Why do you need a secondary beer fermenter?

  • Dec 04, 2021
  • 189
  • tiantai
This article column is specially to answer some common question during brewing.You need to consider a lot when you open your brewery like craft brewing tech, Brewery equipment cost and price,find a location 
for brewery, license and regulation of a brewery. Today we will talk something about secondary fermenter.


Why do you need a secondary beer fermenter?I’ve already mentioned that a big part of even doing a secondary fermentation in the conical beer fermentation tank is so that you can get your beer off of the yeast cake that forms in the primary beer fermenter to avoid any potential off-flavors from developing.

Since you are pulling the beer out of the primary, it has to go somewhere else. Typically, this will mean moving your beer into another fermenting vessel similar to the one you used for primary. With that said, there are two major differences between what kind of vessel you will need to use for the secondary compared to the primary.

First, there will be no active fermentation inside the secondary vessel so there is no need for extra headspace. In fact, you should always choose a container with the least possible headspace. Typically, a 5-gallon carboy will be sufficient for a 5-gallon batch of beer.
Secondly, because there is no carbon dioxide produced in the secondary, you will need to be even more careful about protecting your beer from oxygen. At this stage, your beer is very susceptible to oxidation and all of the yucky off-flavors that the process produces. Generally, this means you should elect for a glass carboy with a rubber stopper or airlock in the top because there is no chance for oxygen to enter. Many plastic buckets are impossible to completely seal off so there will be some oxygen exposure. The longer you plan to condition your beer in the secondary, the more important this factor is to consider.

If you are planning to open a brewery. TIANTAI BrewTech could help you answer your questions and supply the brewery equipment system. We supply 2-150bbl complete beer brewing brewery equipment system including malt milling equipment, brewhouse equipment, fermenters, brite beer tanks, beer bottling machine,beer canning machine, beer kegging machine, hopping machine, yeast propagation equipment. We also supply all auxiliary brewery systems like steam heating pipe and valves, water treatment, filter, air compressor etc. Everything in brewery are all in our list.

If you are interested in any beer brewery equipment, please feel free to contact us.

Vicky Shao
Sales Manager

Tags : fermentation tank    Fermentation Vessels   
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