
Which boiling venting device more suitable for the building?

  • Mar 02, 2017
  • 89
  • beer
Which boiling venting device more suitable for the building?

A suitable venting device will help to decrease the foggy condition in brew house.

Direct venting:
A direct venting tube will vent the boiling steam outside the room from the roof or side wall. Customers need to prepare the venting tube (from the brew kettle to the roof or side wall) on-site after the equipment arriving. This is the most typical and also easiest and economical way to vent as it does not consume any energy or use auxiliary equipment. So if there is no law of venting in your place, we always recommend a direct venting chimney.

Steam condenser:
The boiling steam will be condensed by the continuous sprayed water with a pressure.
Then the condensed water need to be drained away via connecting with a hose.
Customers need to prepare a good water source with a certain pressure to spray into the condenser tube.

Advantage: This is more used where a direct venting is not allowed (for example the government do not allow this, or there is second floor or there is other rooms around the brewing house etc.)

Disadvantage: It needs extra water source; It consumes much much water during the condensing as the water keeps spraying during the whole boiling process.

What do you think? We welcome any your ideas and comments.

Edited by Jana
Sales Manager in Tiantai Company

Tags : brew kettle    beer brewing kettle   
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