
Which Brewhouse Heating Method is Best?

  • Dec 04, 2021
  • 184
  • tiantai
Those are the three main heating methods for a brewhouse, and one is a vital part of what you need to start a brewery. Each of those pros and cons should help you figure out which is right for you. However, if you’re still a little unsure then these are some general recommendations for what works best for each of these methods:
Steam – Steam works great for most people who need control and scale. The only real downside here is the cost and the safety training involved. So, if these factors aren’t going to be a problem for you, then steam is the best choice.
Direct Heat – Direct Heat has some positives even if there are a few drawbacks. In all, this method is going to work for most people on a medium scale or with a lower budget.
Electric – This method is mainly only recommended for smaller brewhouse where the others aren’t an option due to space or cost. However, with some care, it can still work. There are just a lot more downsides involved.
Out of those three brewhouse heating methods, there should be one that covers every type of brewer. The needs of a large scale and capacity brewhouse will obviously be different from some on a smaller scale, but heating options can scale alongside you.

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