
What we need to notice when do fermenters cleaning?

  • Feb 24, 2017
  • 91
  • beer
What we need to notice when do fermenters cleaning?

For fermenters cleaning, it need to configurate perfect automatic cleaning device and recirculation the santizer by pump to finish cleaning. Here is some information we need to notice when cleaning:

1)The bottom of cleaning cans need to leave a hole, so there will not have residue inside.

2)It need to easy check rotating situation when adopt rotating sparging cans and check by regular.

3)The parts which is higher than cleaning cans need to get full clean by adjust sparging spray.

4)The CO2 need to empty by air before cleaning. It can avoid the caustic absorb C02 and result in destroy the tanks due to vacuum.

5)For big capacity tanks, the cleaning liquid temperature can not exceed 45 degree, otherwise it also can destroy the tanks due to vacuum shape and temperature big change.

6)The flow speed of cleaning liquid recyle pump need higher 25% then cleaning pump.

7)Every three times use of fermenters, there can add the process of 1% HON3 cleaning after caustic cleaning. It can remove beer stone.

Edited by Derrick
Sales Manager in Tiantai Company

30hl beer fermenter

Tags : fermentor    fermentation tank   
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