
What optional items can be added for Tiantai brewery equipment

  • Jan 06, 2023
  • 137
  • tiantai
We provide turnkey solution on brewery equipment, and specialize in this filed for more years. We have standard configurations on brewery setup, but there still have some items are optional, which definitely optimize the brewery function. Here I made a list below, hope it can give you a better idea if someday you want to have Tiantai beer equipment.

1. Grist Hydrator
Grist hydrator was assembled at the top of brewhouse mash tun, it will be used for pre-mashing, so the crushed malt will mix with water in advance, it helps improving brewing effect.

2. Water Mixing Station
The water mixing station is used to mix city water and hot water, in order to get needed temperature for mashing or sparging.
In our standard, it is manual version, we can realize it by adjusting 2 diaphragm valves.
Of course, if we prefer higher automation, we can design the mixing to be automatic.

3. Wort Cooling Station
In standard, we need to adjust the valves or pump speed by VFD, in order to balance the flow of hot wort and cold medium, so we can reach needed fermentation temperature.
If prefer, we also can design the wort cooling process to be automatic.

4. High and Low Level sensor for wort grant
Wort grant is a buffer tank, which placed between brewhouse lauter tank and kettle tank, we can adjust pump speed control in order to balance lautering speed, so we will finish the lautering manually.
With high and low level sensor, the lautering process will be finished automatically, we will not need to operate the valves frequently.

5. PLC Brewhouse Control
In our standard, we design the brewhouse control in PID.
The pump on/off with VFD control, motor on/off with VFD control, temperature control etc is semi-automatic, we can operate brewhouse control panel directly. For higher automation, we can choose PLC.
The brewhouse automation level can be various different, there still have some items can be added, for example pneumatic valves, automatic lifted scrapper blade, various sensors for foam, pressure etc. But the brewhouse capacity may influence the configurations a lot.
If you are looking for beer brewery equipment, contact me and I am at your disposal.

Sales Manager
Tiantai Brewery Equipment

Tags : brewhouse automation    brewery equipment automation   
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