
What is hopback in beer brewery equipment? Do I need it?

  • May 05, 2023
  • 171
  • tiantai
A hopback is a vessel or chamber in beer brewery equipment that is used for adding hop flavor and aroma to beer. There is a filtering space inside for holding hops.

After boiling process, the hot wort (unfermented beer) is passed through the hopback, which is typically filled with fresh hops. The hot wort then extracts the essential oils and resins from the hops, which imparts flavor and aroma to the beer.
Whether or not you need a hopback in your brewery equipment depends on your brewing process and the beer style you are brewing. If you are looking to add a significant hop aroma and flavor to your beer, especially in styles like English ales or hop-forward American styles like IPAs, a hopback can be a useful tool to achieve this goal.
However, if you are not looking to add a significant hop aroma and flavor to your beer, or if you are brewing styles that do not require it, a hopback may not be necessary. It is ultimately up to the brewer to decide if a hopback is needed based on their desired outcome for the final beer.
Laura Hou
Sales manager
Tiantai Beer Equipment 

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