
What effect the brewhouse yield

  • Oct 26, 2017
  • 135
  • beer
What effect the brewhouse yield

The brewhouse yield usually be marked by the percentage of leaching volume in wort and initial feeding volume. And this percentage is usually between 74%-79%. More higher, more better. So, what effect the brewhouse yield?

For different malt, the leaching rate is also different. Poor dissolved malt has less leached ability. The more water content in malt, the lower brewhouse yield.

2.Brewhouse equipment
A set of high quality brewhouse equipment make the wort high quality and also high yield.

3.Brewing technique
Prolong the mashing time makes the mash strength strong. Therefore, the brewhouse yield is higher.
At the same time, a suitable proportion of mashing water and sparing water is also important. It is hard to get more extractum based on high concentration mash.

There is following factors will lower the yield: 1) mash enter the lauter tun quickly 2)uneven sparging 3)Continuous sparging. The sparging result is good or not could be reflected by the extractum volume.

5.Working method
The mashing is based on the work of enzyme. So, it is important to control the temperature and time rightly to maximize the enzymatic action. In terms of accurate controlling, the plc controller is better.

Edited by Nicole
Sales manager of Tiantai

3000L stainless steel brewhouse

Tags : brewhouse equipment    4 vessel brewhouse   
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