
The steam boiler maintenance in the beer brewery

  • Jul 11, 2019
  • 64
  • tiantai
The steam boiler maintenance in the beer brewery

1.The water being used in steam boiler must be softened. The power must be cut off and pressure being released before maintenance.
2.The boiler must be drained every day to ensure that the water quality inside if clear.
3.Checking the operation status of key components frequently, such as power transmission line, feed water pump, control box, pressure switch box safety valve, etc., and find the cause in time for timely inspection and repair.
4.The leveling glass must be clean all the time and better being rinsed every day
5.The boiler shall be internally cleaned and descaled every six months or one year to ensure boiler efficiency and service life.
6.The safety valve handle better be moved once a day to prevent rust failure.
7.When the boiler stops running for a long time, the power should be cut off, and the water in the boiler and pipeline should be drained to prevent freezing and rusting.
8.Regularly tighten the connecting screws on the heating tube and the nuts on the flange.
9.Doing a good job of normal maintenance for the control box. And immediately turn off the power and repair it if any problems.
10.The heating pipe is easy to scale in the steam boiler, especially when the water quality is hard. The heating tube should be removed every six months to remove scale. Re-heat the tube, pay attention to the recovery of the connection, the screws on the flange are tightened and tightened repeatedly to avoid water leakage.
11.When the boiler is not in use, cut off the power supply, open the control box, check the nuts of all electrical components leakage circuit breakers, contactors, etc., and tighten the loose parts to prevent contact with the fire. And electrical devices.
12.Preventing the water, steam or any explosive gas goes into the electric control box. The controller door should be closed when steam boiler under running. 
13.Crystalline coarse salt with a purity of not less than 99.5% should be added to the softened water brine tank. It is strictly forbidden to use fine salt; crystallized coarse salt is precipitated.
14.The water temperature used for softening equipment is 5 to 45 degrees Celsius, and the water pressure is in the range of 0.15 to 0.6 Mpa.
15.When using softening equipment frequently, set the water production to 10 square meters, backwash for 10min; slow salt wash for 60min, salt tank for 5min; wash for 10min; then use water normally.

Edited by Laura
Sales Manager in Tiantai Company

Steam boiler

Tags : steam brewery    steam generator   
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