
The reasons of uncomfortable bitterness for beer

  • Mar 08, 2019
  • 114
  • tiantai
The reasons of uncomfortable bitterness for beer

Normally, the beer bitterness mainly from the isomerization product (Isoalpha acid) inside of hop resin, it is more tasty and comfortable, disappear after drinking. But some times with uncomfortable bitterness, rough, taste bad etc. The reason mainly as follows:

1.Raw material
①The brewing water with higher residual caustic level、hardness、Mg、Ca and CO2 amount.
②With higher PH value.
③Adding obsolete hops in the wort
④Poor quality of malt, for example rough wheat husk but with higher protein content, or with higher backing temperature of special malt.

2.Production Process
①Brewing Process. With longer mashing and lautering time, which make over amount Tannin、Authocyanin and fatty acid into wort; the wort after lautering turbid, feeding, agitating and mash transferring over oxygenation, polyphenolic substances over oxidized; using last sparging water when feeding for mashing.
②Fermentation Process. Not well separate hot and cold coagulum; bubble head drainage and dissolve into beer; piping sanitary level is failed; higher storaging temperature and over yeast into tanks; over amount by-products for example esters.

Edited by Derrick
Sales Manager in Tiantai Company

Australia Brewery

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