
The influencing factors for beer clarification

  • Apr 27, 2017
  • 126
  • beer
The influencing factors for beer clarification

The beer clarity generally depends on the factors as below:

1.The suspended solids
We all know the protein and hop resin are tiny, but the bigger particles will be formed by their crashing with each other, which finally subsided. The settling speed of it not only depends on its diameter, but also the PH, temperature and the viscosity of beer liquid.

2.The storage temperature
Generally the beer stored in high temperature (exceed 3℃) with a quicker clarification than the beer stored at low temperature (lower then 0℃). As there is less cold sludge under higher temperature, and now the beer with a shorter expiration date. And there will be more cold sludge under lower temperature, that can be filtered well, so the beer with a longer expiration date.

It is good for beer clarification under the PH4.2-4.4
The PH of bottom fermented beer at about 4.0-4.5, with a better clarification.
The PH of top fermented beer generally below 4.0, with a slower clarification

4.The capacity of beer storage tank.
For the brite tanks with bigger diameters, it is not easy to decrease the temperature inside,which is not good for the settling of suspended solids. So the smaller tanks is good for the beer clarification.

5.The beer viscosity
The higher of the viscosity, the slower of the settling speed. Besides, the beer with higher viscosity is not good for filtering.

Edited by Laura
Sales Manager in Tiantai Company

brite beer tank

Tags : beer filter    how to clarify beer   
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