
The difference between second generation chiller and third generation chiller

  • May 27, 2017
  • 134
  • beer
The difference between second generation chiller and third generation chiller

In the process of beer cooling, normally it include chiller, glycol water tank, cold liquor tank.
But there may have some difference on glycol cooling system configuration.

For example in United States, it is normal to configured enough bigger power chiller and cold liquor tank. And inside of chiller, there will have one smaller glycol water tank. In the beer cooling process, the glycol water tank need to cool cold liquor tank. For providing enough cooling content, the chiller may need continuous working, we think it is not good chiller’s lifetime.

Now the second generation chiller with enough bigger glycol water tank is more normal and popular. Usually the glycol water tank is 2-3 times bigger than brewhouse, there will enough cooling content after finished cooling by chiller. The chiller will not need continuous working.

Also base on the current configuration, it also is OK to add extra cold liquor tank. And more and more brew masters prefer this configuration.

Edited by Derrick
Sales Manager in Tiantai Company


Tags : glycol chiller system    brewery chiller   
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