Steam energy cost and steam boiler choose
- Jun 09, 2019
- 72
- tiantai
Steam energy cost and steam boiler choose
Let us make a rough calculation of energy cost for 500L beer system below:
Usually the wort could be heated to raise 1-1.5 °C per minute in the mash tun or kettle.So it needs the below energy to heat the liquid inside the Mash tun/kettle.
Energy balance formula: (500L wort could be rough equal 500KG weight)
Q1=C·M·Δt=4.10kJ/(kg·K)x500KGxincreased temperature per
minute x 1 hour of mashing or boiling= 123000000J
So if brew double batch at the same time,so the energy cost is about 2Q1=2x123000000J=246000000J.
As you know,The 100kg/h steam equals to around 220000 BTU and equals to around 232112280J per hour. So no much difference for 100KG/ h steam boiler provide and brew two batches energy cost. Nearly balance.
And also we could check the energy cost from the condensate water aspects,how much energy condensate water it release, that means how much steam energy cost transferring to the liquid wort or mixture inside the mash tun or kettle.
As you know,each batch,totally the condensate water got is about 6%-8% of the brewhouse volume from steam changed to be water. So for the condensate water weight for each tank:8%x500L=40KG condensate water.The below is the specific heat capacity of saturated steam at different pressure and temperature.
So steam energy cost for each tank is about Q2=40KGX2700kJ/kg=108000000J.
You see,Q1 is nearly same with Q2.(There is some energy loss during the process).

Note:Q1:Liquid temperature raised require
Q2:Steam energy provide
Besides,usually it heat the hot water tank in advance before starting mashing.
And There is a certain time between the first batch boiling and second batch mashing.So it is enough for 500L beer system with 100KG/H steam boiler.
If you plan to heat MLT+KT+HLT at the same time,you could consider a little big one.But mostly 100KG/H is enough for 500L beer system. Because it usually heat the hot water tank in advance.
Hope my rough explanation could be a little useful.
Edited BY:Alisa Lee
Let us make a rough calculation of energy cost for 500L beer system below:
Usually the wort could be heated to raise 1-1.5 °C per minute in the mash tun or kettle.So it needs the below energy to heat the liquid inside the Mash tun/kettle.
Energy balance formula: (500L wort could be rough equal 500KG weight)
Q1=C·M·Δt=4.10kJ/(kg·K)x500KGxincreased temperature per
minute x 1 hour of mashing or boiling= 123000000J
So if brew double batch at the same time,so the energy cost is about 2Q1=2x123000000J=246000000J.
As you know,The 100kg/h steam equals to around 220000 BTU and equals to around 232112280J per hour. So no much difference for 100KG/ h steam boiler provide and brew two batches energy cost. Nearly balance.
And also we could check the energy cost from the condensate water aspects,how much energy condensate water it release, that means how much steam energy cost transferring to the liquid wort or mixture inside the mash tun or kettle.
As you know,each batch,totally the condensate water got is about 6%-8% of the brewhouse volume from steam changed to be water. So for the condensate water weight for each tank:8%x500L=40KG condensate water.The below is the specific heat capacity of saturated steam at different pressure and temperature.
So steam energy cost for each tank is about Q2=40KGX2700kJ/kg=108000000J.
You see,Q1 is nearly same with Q2.(There is some energy loss during the process).

Note:Q1:Liquid temperature raised require
Q2:Steam energy provide
Besides,usually it heat the hot water tank in advance before starting mashing.
And There is a certain time between the first batch boiling and second batch mashing.So it is enough for 500L beer system with 100KG/H steam boiler.
If you plan to heat MLT+KT+HLT at the same time,you could consider a little big one.But mostly 100KG/H is enough for 500L beer system. Because it usually heat the hot water tank in advance.
Hope my rough explanation could be a little useful.
Edited BY:Alisa Lee