
Single wall fermenters for fermenting and mature in cold room

  • Jun 17, 2017
  • 155
  • beer
Single wall fermenters for fermenting and mature in cold room

Some customers choose single wall fermenters instead of double wall fermenters and without glycol cooling system.Here i plan to explain some of its limitation in the article.
Take brewing larger in first batch for example,its fermenting temperature is usually around 7-13°C.So cold room temperature should be set about 7-13°C,and then after wort heated exchanging through heat exchanger, wort go to the fermenter placed in his cold room for fermenting.After finished fermenting and discharge the yeast through the fermenters,the beer will be in mature stage,in this stage,the temperature should be controled at about 0-3°C usually.that means,the cold room temperature should be set at 0-3°C.

At the same time,the brewmaster maybe plan to his second batch brewing,but all the fermenters beer in their first batch,they maybe can't sell out all in a certain time,so brewmaster just can only brew next one or more batchs for filling the empty fermenter brewmaster second batch,maybe he plan to brew Ale beer instead of larger beer,larger
beer fermenting temperature is about 20°C.that means, cold room temperature should be set about 20°C.
but you know,for their first batch Larger beer,maybe they still not sell out,and their storage temperature should be still controled at 0-3°C.Now the cold room temperature will be hard to adjust for new brewing wort and previous storage beer.Though the brewmaster don't brew Ale,still Larger in second batch,it is still hard to balance fermenting temperature and mature beer storage temperature in their cold room.

Fermenting temperature 7°C VS storage temperature 0-3°C
Fermenting temperature 20°C VS storage temperature 0-3°C
So that it maybe infulence his beer selling for more batches brewing.
So i suggest that it is better to consider the double wall fermenters and equiped with glycol cooling unit.
Besides,since the same manufacture technology,there is not too much difference on price between single wall fermenter and double fermenter Double wall is more economic and practical.

Edited by Alisa Lee

Single wall tank

Tags : stainless steel fermenter    stainless conical fermenter   
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