
Malt milling

  • Jun 24, 2017
  • 79
  • beer
Malt milling
Malt milling is the first step of craft beer brewing. Only through good milling can the malt be dissolved better. And the milling quality make great sense to wort composition, wort lautering and malt utilization etc.

In theory, the finer the malt after milling is, the quicker the male dissolves. In this case, the brewmaster can get the best yield. However, the malt can not be milled too fine in actual operation as malt and starch granule has different characters. The malt only needs to be milled to a certain degree.

Considering from wort quality, the barley husk should be keep intact as far as possible. Th main composition of barley husk is cellulose, which is not dissolvable and would not change with enzyme, it has little influence to wort. Apart from cellulose, the barley husk also have other dissolvable substance, such as Malt polyphenols, bitter substance, silicate and protein etc. These substance would have bad influence to beer color and flavor.

Edited by Vicky

malt milling

Tags : malt mill    grain mill   
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