
Is it ok to stacked install chiller of brewery equipment?

  • Jun 07, 2023
  • 116
  • tiantai
Stacked installation of chillers in beer brewery equipment is possible and commonly done in certain scenarios. Stacked installation refers to the vertical arrangement of multiple chillers on top of each other, typically to save space and optimize cooling capacity.

Here are some considerations for stacked chiller installation:
Space Availability:
Determine if you have sufficient vertical space in your beer brewery equipment to accommodate stacked chillers. Consider the height of each chiller unit, including any necessary clearance for maintenance and service access.
Structural Support: Ensure that the equipment and structure can safely support the weight of the stacked chillers. Consult with a structural engineer or beer brewery equipment manufacturer to confirm that the existing infrastructure can handle the load.
Airflow and Ventilation: Adequate airflow and ventilation are crucial for the optimal operation of the chillers. Ensure that there is sufficient space around the stacked chillers to allow for proper air circulation and heat dissipation. Proper ventilation helps prevent overheating and ensures efficient cooling performance.
Consider the accessibility and serviceability of the stacked chillers. Ensure that maintenance personnel can easily access each chiller for routine inspections, repairs, and cleaning. Proper spacing between the chillers and other beer brewery equipment is essential to facilitate maintenance activities.
Piping and Connections:
Evaluate the plumbing requirements for stacked chiller installation. Ensure that the necessary supply and return lines can be properly connected to each chiller unit. Plan the piping layout and connections carefully to optimize flow and minimize pressure drops.
Control and Monitoring: Determine how the stacked chillers will be controlled and monitored. Ensure that the control systems can handle multiple chillers and provide accurate temperature control and monitoring for each unit. Integration with your brewery's overall control system may be necessary.
Manufacturer Guidelines: Consult the chiller manufacturer's guidelines and specifications for stacked installation. They may provide specific recommendations, requirements, or limitations for stacking their particular chiller models.
It is important to note that stacked chiller installation may have certain limitations based on the specific design and requirements of your beer brewery equipment and the chillers themselves. Therefore, it is advisable to consult with a professional engineer or the chiller manufacturer to ensure that stacked installation is feasible and suitable for your specific application.
Laura Hou
Sales Manager
Tiantai Beer Equipment

Tags : brewery chiller    brewery chiller installation   
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