
How to utilize the steam energy produced during boiling?

  • Nov 18, 2017
  • 123
  • beer
How to utilize the steam energy produced during boiling?

We all know that there is a huge amounts of steam produced during wort boiling process, that means a large amounts of energy. So many of the brewmasters prefer to utilize this energy again during beer brewing.

Generally there are two main methods could be used for recycling:

1.If the steam venting via steam condenser
Now it is available to add one tubular Heat Exchanger under the steam condenser like the below picture. The steam during boiling will goes into the heat exchanger, at where the hot steam make heat exchanging with the city water. The heated water could be saved in the HLT for brewing water of the second batch. Please noted that now the brewhouse better under pressure.

It is the more common method used for recycling the steam in the beer brewing field. And with a much higher recycling efficiency. But the tubular heat exchanger need some extra cost.

2.If the steam venting directly via chimney
It is available to add some jacket outside of the chimney of steam venting. The cold city water available to flows in the jacket and make heat exchanging with the hot steam inside of the chimney. That heated city water then could be saved in the HLT for tank cleaning etc. Please help to check the picture as below:

Steam vent

This method is not quite popular used in the beer brewing industry. But compared with using tubular heat exchanger, its recycling efficiency is not too high. But it no need too much extra cost and easily to make it.

If you have any better steam recycling methods, welcome to discuss together with us!

Edited by Laura
Sales Manager in Tiantai Company
Tags : steam brewery    city steam brewery   
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