
How to improve the antioxidant ability of beer?

  • Sep 14, 2017
  • 141
  • beer
How to improve the antioxidant ability of beer?
During beer brewing, some progress do need the oxygen, such as Wort boiling, yeast feeding etc. The existed O2 here will help to meet the technological requirements, but will reduce the antioxidant ability of beer at the same time..

It is better to avoid the beer to touch oxygen during storage or after storage. Some measurement as below:

1.Better keeping a stable and vigorous secondary fermenting, the CO2 will help to venting out the air in the dome head; the yeast also will consume parts of O2 and produce more reducing substances, which will better for the beer antioxidant ability.
2.Better avoiding
transferring tanks during storage and trying to avoid tank opening if need to add clarifying agent or antioxidant etc. And better use CO2 to do the transferring.
3.Better to use stainless steel sanitary pump to do transportation/ storage/ filing instead of using compressed air, for reducing the opportunity of the O2 dissolved by beer.
4.If it is possible, better to use CO2 as engine instead of compressed air. Or keeping the beer temperature below 4℃, that will better reducing the dissolution of CO2.
5.Better avoid the beer to touch with O2 during the process after storage, especially for the air in the bottle neck after filling.

Edited by Laura
Sales Manager in Tiantai Company

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