
How to choose glycol system for your microbrewery equipment

  • Mar 02, 2022
  • 141
  • tiantai
We all know that the glycol cooling system is necessary and quite important in microbreweries. Many of our customers shared their concerns and worries with us on the glycol cooling system m for their brewery equipment. Here we do some detailed explanation on this as below for your reference. Hope it could help when you starting your own micro brewery.

In Chinese beer brewing equipment industry, there are usually two solutions being quoted:
① The Glycol water tank (GWT) + Chillers + Pipeline;
② The Glycol water tank (GWT) + Cold liquor tank (CLT) + Chillers + Pipeline;
How big the GWT or CLT should be?
When using solution 1, the glycol water tank capacity is usually 2 times bigger than brewhouse. Because now the glycol water is used for both of wort cooling in second stage and fermenter cooling. You know after wort cooling, the glycol water will be returned back to GWT, now the glycol water temperature may be raised up, so we need a bigger capacity to ensure enough cooling energy for fermenter cooling at the same time.
When using solution 2, the glycol water tank capacity is usually same as brewhouse capacity and the cold liquor tank is usually 2 times bigger. As now the wort cooling would be done by cold water from CLT only, the warmed water will be recycled to HLT for next batch brewing.
The advantages for using solution 2?
_ Avoid wort pollution:  Now wort is cooled by clean cold water from CLT, not chance to touch with glycol;
_Lower investment on glycol:  Now you need just need to prepare less glycol from local. We know the glycol is expensive at local;
_No influence FV cooling:  The cooling energy for wort cooling will come from CLT;  but you need to cool wort with glycol if without CLT, the warm glycol will back into GWT, it may influence FV cooling;
_ Energy saving:  With CLT, the cold water could rise to about 90℃ after wort cooling, it can be used as brewing water directly;  But if without CLT, the city water in first stage wort cooling may rise up to only 65℃ after wort cooling, you may need to heat it before use it as brewing water.
How we choose between these two solutions? 
The solution 1 is more popular used in brewery equipment within 2000L;
The solution 2 is more popular used in brewery equipment exceed 2000L (included 2000L);
But actually is more flexibly, if you have enough budget on your project, you can choose to add CLT though your brewery equipment is within 2000L.

Having any other questions about the glycol cooling system in brewery equipment? Please feel free to contact with us!
Laura Hou 
Sales Manager
Tiantai Beer Equipment

Tags : microbrewery equipment    glycol system   
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