
Heating Options - Tiantai Brewery Equipment

  • Aug 16, 2023
  • 66
  • tiantai
When build a brewery, it is important to choose suitable heating method to brew tasty beer. While sometimes the brewer may difficult to decide which type is best for their brewhouse equipment. Hope Tiantai article will give you a better idea.
In large commercial breweries, steam is only visable and optimal heat source. With the rapid expansion of smaller craft breweries, however, other less expensive alternatives are now commonly used, such as direct-fire and electric heaters.

Steam heating is suitable for all capacity beer brewery.
Steam heating is almost universally accepted as the preferred heating method when cost is not a concern. Steam distributes heat well by steam jacketand allows for quick and effective heat transfer. Additionally, steam can be used for equipment throughout the brewery, like keg wahser for kegs sterilization. The downside to steam can be additional costs, particularly installation, permitting, maintenance, and training costs. Additionally, safety is a concern with all heating methods, but can be particularly concerning with a boiler and steam lines.


Direct fire heating is recommended for brewhouse 3BBL to 20BBL maximum.
Tiantai supplied direct fire systems use a powered gas burner installed on a combustor room, which built under the kettle. Then the flame distributed onto a deflector plate or diffuser and heat the tanks. We also can design a liftable agitator inside of kettle to assure uniform heating. This design significantly reduces the risk of scorching and allows for greater control and kettle temperature ramp speed.
Electric heating is suitable for brewhouse below 10BBL.
For brewhouse itself, the investment on electric is lower than either steam heating or direct fire heating. If the brewer has budget limitations, electric will be the only option. Especially for brewers at inital starting brewery business with small capacity brewery, they are tend to choose electric heating. While electric heating has the risk of scorching the wort, we can design electric heaters in 3 or 4 units, and each heater can be controlled independently, so we can control the heaters separately to minimize the risk of wort scorching.
Additionally, electric heating needs high power consumption, before make a decision on electric heating, it is necessary to consider whole electrical comsumption and assure the building has enough power supply.  
If still not sure which type heating is best for your brewery, feel free to contact me.
Sales Manager
Tiantai Beer Equipment

Tags : direct fire heating    steam heating   
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