
Glycol cooling system configuration

  • Jun 14, 2019
  • 184
  • tiantai
Glycol cooling system configuration

We have two kind of configuration for the glycol cooling system for our complete beer system.
1.Glycol water tank+second generation chiller+glycol cooling pipe
2.Glycol water tank+Cold water tank+second generation chiller+glycol cooling pipe

Here i would clarify the Glycol water and cold water difference.

Glycol water is the mixture of Anhydrous ethylene glycol and water.As you know,their maximum freezing point could reach to about -18 °C.but in practical heating exchange,-5°C freezing point glycol water mixture(ratio of glycol and water 1:3 ) has enough cooling capacity to cool down the hot wort and keep the beer temperature in the fermenter and BBT.Glycol water is stored in the glycol water tank.
Glycol Water

Cold water :It is the city water which is cooled by the above glycol water.and then stored in the cold water tank.

About first kind of configuration:Glycol water tank+ second generation chiller+glycol cooling pipe.
Second generation chiller cool down the glycol water to be around -4°C-- -6°C temperature.After whirlpooling ,the hot wort go through the double stage heat exchanger to do the heat exchanging with city water and glycol water.The hot wort should be cooled down to the fermenting temperature quickly within 30minuts.Our standard Glycol water tank volume can also support max 8-10 pieces of double batch fermenters or brite tanks except mainly cooling down the hot wort.We usually equip such configuration for the brewery system below 1000L.

About the second kind of configuration:Glycol water tank+Cold water tank+second generation chiller+glycol cooling pipe.
Second generation chiller cool down the glycol water to be around -4°C-- -6°C temperature.and the glycol water cool down the city water to be around 2°C.And then the cold water to do heat exchanging with hot wort through the single stage heat exchanger.After heating exchanging,the warmed cold water will be reclaimed to the cold water tank,it could be used for the second batch brewing or washing tanks,pipes ect..This kind of configuration usually is used for the brewery system above 1500L.

The difference for these two configuration is below
1.first kind of configuration,after heating exchanging,the glycol water temperature is high,warmed city water also could be reclaimed ,but not too high temperature.If any heat exchanger broken,the glycol water maybe pollute the wort directly.So it has some risk if any case.But mostly not much problems for the heat exchanger.That is one of the reason for the big brewery,it use the cold water to do heat exchanging instead of the glycol water.

Second kind of configuration,the warmed cold water temperature is high,it could be reclaimed for mashing directly,save energy and water source.

2.Second kind of configuration is more efficient than the first kind of configuration.If only the glycol water tank,after heat exchanging,glycol water temperature turn to be high.It needs some time to be cooled down by chiller,so maybe it will have influence on the fermenter temperature kept at the same.

3.Besides,if with the third generation chiller,it will be working with non-stop.For ours the above two configuration,the chiller store the cold energy in the glycol water tank and cold water tank in advance.

Edited by Alisa Lee

10bbl brewery

Tags : glycol chiller system    brewery chiller   
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