
Flash beer pasteurizing machine

  • Jan 06, 2023
  • 101
  • tiantai
In craft beer brewing industry, the beer pasteurizing machine is essential part when do beer selling via bottles or cans. As the flash beer pasteurizing is done in a very short time, it better kept the beer flavour, that is also why the flash beer pasteurizing machine is becoming more and more popular. As a beer brewery equipment manufacturer in China, we wanna make some introduction for the flash beer pasteurizer today.
The Beer pasteurizing machine adopted 72℃ and 27PU to kill yeast and other biological sources in beer. The pasteurizing time generally takes 30 seconds. The pasteurized beer tastes as good as draught beer. This process is popular in Europe countries, especially in Germany.
Beer pasteurizing process:
2~4℃→72℃(keep 30 seconds)→2~4℃
The draught beer is transferred into the pasteurizing machine via pump, it enter into the preheating stage firstly for saving energy, then enter into the sterilization stage. The hot water with temperature 75℃ will help to rise the beer temperature to about 72℃ and keep this temperature for about 30 seconds. Then being cooled by glycol water(0~2℃) after preheating stage. Finally the cooled beer below 4 will be transferred into the sterilization tank or being bottled or canned directly.
Sometimes the glycol water may less than -4℃, now more glycol liquid should be added and mixed to increase the temperature above -4℃. If too colder, the beer may be caused crystallization and influence the cooling result.
We Tiantai Beer Equipment could supply complete beer brewery equipment included relevant bottling machine, kegging machine, beer pasteurizing machine etc. Please feel free to contact us if you need any brewery equipment offer or any further questions about the beer pasteurizer.
Laura Hou
Sales manager
Tiantai Beer Equipment 

Tags : Beer Pasteurizer    flash beer pasteurizing machine   
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