
First Time Brewery system FAQS

  • Oct 07, 2021
  • 81
  • tiantai
When you are brewing system your first batch of beer you will have a ton of questions. So we thought it would be helpful to answer some of the most frequently asked questions for the beginner brewer.
How do I open my Mr. Beer can?
Something that we get quite often. You will open your can of HME from the bottom so make sure the label is upside down when you go to open. It is very difficult to open the can from the top where the yeast packet is.
How important is sanitization?
It is extremely important! If this process gets messed up it can affect your entire brew. Bad sanitation practices can lead to a bad beer which leads to a bad home brew experience. This is one of the most critical parts of brewing and something you want to make sure you are doing correctly.
How to clean your fermenter after you bottle your beer?
You always want to make sure that you clean your fermenter after you bottle your beer. The best way is to use unscented soap and a soft cloth. You never want to use anything abrasive that could scratch the inside of your fermenter. You can also use Oxy Clean Free & Clear or we sell a brewery wash on our website that works wonders. But always make sure to clean your fermenter when you are done brewing.

How can I tell if my beer is fermenting?
During the 1st 24 hours, you might not see much action going on in your fermenter and that is totally fine. It can take 48-72 hours for you to see the primary or most active stage of fermentation take place. You will see bubbles on top of your beer during this part. However, you may miss it and it looks like nothing is going on in your fermenter but there is! Always check the bottom of the fermenter, if you see some sediment start to build up at the bottom then you know your beer is fermenting and you are good to go.
What is that sediment at the bottom of my fermenter and bottles?

That is what is called Trub and is a by-product of the fermentation tank process. It is always a good thing to see. It means your beer has fermented. You will also see it in your bottles and this is from the natural carbonation process. Some people choose not to drink the last little bit others do. It does not hurt you, it may just give you a little gas.
How important is fermentation temperature?
Extremely important! Too warm and you can get off-flavors in your beer and too cold the yeast might not ferment all the sugar. Yeast can work in a wide range of temperatures. We have found that we get the best results in our brew house room fermenting vessel at 70-72 degrees. This is for all yeasts except for lager yeasts of course. The best way to keep track of this is just to get a stick-on thermometer and put it on your fermenter.

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Tiantai Beer Equipment

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