
Factors influence the beer

  • May 20, 2017
  • 64
  • beer
Factors influence the beer

The key factor influence the beer is the beer mixed with O2.They make redox reaction,so that cause the beer with a
dislike senescence smell.And the reaction speed raise as temeperature raise.So O2 is the beer big enemy.
Except the O2,the sunshine also has influence on beer stability and its taste.


There some points influence on the beer taste as below.
1)The barly quality
2)when the grain sprout,its oxygen content.During the grain sprout proces,low oxygen content malts get the best taste beer.It has low senescence component.
3)When the malts is in dry process ,enzyme go on decomposing,so at this stage,it will produce the senescence stuff.
4)The components of the malsts,if use the malts which has rich barley husk to brew beer,its senescence stuff will be low.
5)If just use the high quality malts,the mashing temeperature could be round 62°C,it can improve the beer taste stability.And when the wort PH is about 5.2,the beer taste is satisfied.
6)The wort stay in the whirlpool tun time,it is better about 30minuts.I t could low the senescence stuff.
7)The yeast quality also influence on teh beer stability.
8)When filling the beer into the kegs or bottle,it should control the beer touch with O2.If teh mature beer has high O2,It will produce senescence stuff.
9)Other factors,such as storage temperature,sunshine,shock in transportation.

Edit by Alisa
Tags : wort aeration system    wort oxygenation system   
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