
Effect on wort cooling time in heat exchanger

  • Jan 04, 2019
  • 184
  • tiantai
Effect on wort cooling time in heat exchanger

I am Jana from Tiantai beer equipment company. I was lucky enough to experienced some brewing days in the certain breweries of our clients here in China. So I also watched the wort cooling process via standing beside the heat exchanger (two stages).

The first stage of HE connects with city water, and the second stage of HE connects with glycol water. This whole cooling process took no more than 40 minutes in all my experiences. So here I want to share our tips here to control the cooling process within reasonable time:

1.We advise that the city -water-flow-rate should be as same flow-rate as the wort flow rate inside the heat exchanger. And normally we advise 2 bars pressure of the city water source. So if you are using inline-filtered-city water from (RO machine or water softener etc.), it is often that the water flow at the first stage is not enough. So the wort temperature can not be catch down to expected temp.through the first stage.

2.We normally set the temperature of the glycol water tank as 23-26F(-2℃ to -5℃).

1)The glycol concentration should be no less than 30% if you set the temperature at 23-26F, or the compressor of the chiller will easily freeze and damage.
Normally this ratio of glycol water can keep around 2 years, after two years, please check and add the new glycol into the GWT.

2)Besides, when in winter, please make a cover around the chiller to avoid the drop of the snow& cold rain, if the snow& water come into the chiller, they will cover around the compressor and chiller heat exchanger and freeze. Freeze is dangerous for chiller.

SS heat exchanger

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Edited by Jana
Sales manager
Tags : wort heat exchanger    brewery plate heat exchanger   
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