
Chiller Options for a small Brewery

  • May 24, 2019
  • 110
  • tiantai
Chiller Options for a small Brewery

A suitable cooling system is very important in a brewery. In small brewery, the cooling system include: heat exchanger, glycol water tank, chiller. Sometimes a cold liquor tank is also added for brewery above 3000L. We have met some customers that have questions about choosing chillers, so here we explain more about the chillers difference in a cooling system.

Firstly, let’s see a complete cooling diagram below:
1) The chillers chill the glycol water mixture to around -3°C.
2)  The glycol water mixture (-3°C) chill the fermenters and cold liquor tank through the cooling jacket.
3) The cold liquor tank chill the wort through single stage heat exchanger.
Cooling diagram
In above condition, which means that the chiller only chill the fermenters and cold liquor tank, here come two kinds of chillers to produce the origin cooling energy: Air-cooled chiller, and water-cooled chiller. Then here are slight difference for configuring the cooling system via using different chillers.

Option 1: Air-cooled chiller plus an external small glycol water tank.
Yes, with the air-cooled type chiller, a glycol water tank is still needed. But since it won't cool the wort and the fermenters do not consume much cooling energy, the glycol water tank can be very small such as 300L-500L as the .
glycol water chiller

300L glycol tank
Option 2: Water-cooled chiller
Water-cooled chiller,this kind of chiller already includes a small glycol tank inside that is standardly mounted by the chiller supplier.
This internal mounted glycol tank is also very small such as 150L-200L. With this kind of chiller, the external glycol tank is not needed. So when you look at the chiller from outside only, it seems that no glycol tank needed, actually a small glycol tank is inside the chiller, It is popular in some breweries in USA.

So here are our opinion:
If you use the same glycol cooling system to cool the wort and fermentation, the air-cooled chiller and big glycol water tank is necessary. The glycol water tank is normally 2-3 times bigger than kettle.
If you use have cold mountain water or cold liquor to cool the wort, and use the glycol cooling system to cool the fermentation only,  then here come two options:
1)Air-cooled chiller plus a small external glycol water tank
2)Water-cooled chiller (it comes with an internal glycol tank inside)

We are brewery system manufacture in China, welcome to leave any questions or message to exchange ideas.

Edited by Jana
Sale manager
Tags : glycol chiller system    brewery chiller   
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