

  • Jun 03, 2023
  • 191
  • tiantai
CIP cleaning, also referred to as Clean-In-Place cleaning, is a procedure of cleaning interior product contact surfaces such as process pipes, vessels and equipment, without disassembly. A CIP system is oftenly used for beer brewery equipment to assure the sanitary level.
For breweries, CIP systems are engineered for fast, efficient, and consistent high-quality cleaning of brewhouse, fermentation tanks surface. The CIP systems basically includes caustic tank, acid tank, sterilization tank, hot water tank, pump and fittings etc. According to brewery capacity difference, the CIP combinations also can be various different, and with different automation level.
A cleaning sequence for a brewery CIP system consists of a number of steps including a pre-rinse with water, cycling of acid and/or caustic wash solutions, further rinsing with water in between wash cycles, cycling of a disinfection solution, a final rinse with freshwater, and in some cases finishing with a drying cycle. So it basically follows 5 steps in a brewery CIP cycle.
Pre-Rinse→Caustic Wash→Intermediate Rinse→Final Rinse→Sanitizing Rinse
The sanitary level is critical important for brewery equpment, it is necessary to have a well designed CIP system. If you are also looking for CIP system for your brewery, don’t hesitate to contact me. I am at your dispoal anytime.
Sales Manager
Tiantai Beer Equipment

Tags : breweries CIP system    clean-in-place beer brewery   
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