

  • Sep 14, 2017
  • 133
  • beer

Before bottling, a step known as priming is required to add a small amount of fermentable sugar to the beer for the yeast to convert into CO2 and ultimately carbonate the beer. Priming levels are measured in volumes of CO2. Generally, one ounce of priming sugar per gallon of beer is a goodrule of thumb when starting out, but each style has a specific carbonation range. Priming sugarcan be purchased at your local homebrew supply shop.

Priming Your Beer Before Bottling
1. Bring 2-cups of water to a boil.
2. Once boiling, add 5-ounces (141.7 g) of priming sugar, and boil for 10 minutes.
3. After 10 minutes, remove from heat and add the priming sugar water to your already cleaned and sanitized bottling bucket.
4. Using a clean and sanitized racking cane, siphon the beer from the fermenter into the bottling bucket. Try to get the liquid in the bottling bucket to whirlpool in order to evenly mix in the sugar (no splashing!). Don't transfer the solid contents at the bottom of the
fermenter (trub) into the bottling bucket.
5. Attach a clean and sanitized bottle filler to the spigot of your bottling bucket with food-grade tubing.
6. Fill the clean and sanitized bottles up to the very rim of the bottle. When you remove the bottle filler, the volume should be perfect.
7. Carefully cap your bottles with a sanitized capper and sanitized caps.
8. Place in a room-temperature area, around 70°F (21.1°C) and let sit to allow carbonation.
9. After 2-3 weeks, open and enjoy!

Beer bottling line

Tags : microbrewery equipment    beer bottling machine   
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