
Beer Freeze

  • Dec 25, 2017
  • 73
  • beer
Beer Freeze

Does beer in fermenter have risk of freezing? It's actually a common misconception that alcohol liquid doesn’t freeze. Alcohol liquid does freeze, so does beer in fermenter. There are two main factors causing beer freeze. The first factor is that the coolant temperature is too low. The coolant temperature had better keep between 4℃ and -6℃, the lowest temperature can not exceed -8℃. In some breweries, the coolant temperature reaches -15℃, which might freeze beer in fermenter and affect final beer quality and stability. The second factor is that the design of cooling jacket is not very reasonable and the outside temperature is too low. The coolant inlet should not be opened on low temperature area of fermenter. Otherwise, it is also easy to cause beer freeze.

beer Freeze

At this point, you might be curious what temperature does beer freeze. In fact, the specific beer freeze point (T) is related with alcohol content (W) and original wort concentration (Wp). The formula is

For better understanding, let us take an example.
Assuming W=5.6g/100g and Wp= 16.84°P

Is it a bit clear? Do you have any comments or ideas about beer freeze? If yes, please do not hesitate to share with you. We look forward to talking with you together.

Edited by Vicky
Sales manager in Tiantai Beer Equipment Company
Tags : does beer freeze    freezing point of beer   
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