
Automation degree of brewhouse

  • Jul 13, 2018
  • 99
  • tiantai
Automation degree of brewhouse

Brewery setup question: The entire mashing-in process should be computer-controlled to ensure that water additions, time and temperature rests, and discharge are accurately repeated. The mashing-in process should be programmed for each recipe and provides an accurate, repeatable mash profile:

Brewery setup answer: Here comes three kinds of mashing methods:

A.Step-infusion mashing via direct heating:
The grain&water mixture (the mash) is heated in the mash tun to such as 35℃, 55℃,72℃,78℃ etc. and rest such as 20min.20min.15min.etc. according to the preset on program. This whole process can be automatically programmed.

B.Step Infusion mashing via mixing with hot water:
For example:
The grain&water mixture (the mash) is mixed with a certain of hot of 37℃ to reach around 35℃, rest 20 minutes.
The grain&water mixture (the mash) is mixed with a certain of hot of 57℃ to reach around 55℃;rest 20 minutes.
The grain&water mixture (the mash) is mixed with a certain of hot of 73℃ to reach around 72℃;rest 15 minutes.
The grain&water mixture (the mash) is mixed with a certain of hot of 79℃ to reach around 78℃; Stop
The above process can also be automatically controlled by the program. The water amount each time can be measured by the flowmeter. The amounts need to be calculated in advance by the brewmaster and put the data into the program.

1.To ensure the Accuracy, all the probes and flowmeters need to use the worldbrands such as Negele temperature probe, and E+H flowmeter.
2.Since when the steam stops, or hot water stops, there is still remaining heat to rise the temperature a little, we advice that to set the target temperature slightly lower each time.

C.Decoction mashing:
The water& grain mixture is partly transferred into the KT to boil and then transferred back, and then rest some time. And then repeat this process until the mash is up to 72℃.
This can also be automatically controlled by the program.

Any questions just feel free to leave us message.

Edited by Jana Wang
Sales manager

3 vessel brewhouse

Tags : auto brewery    auto brewery system   
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