
Add Flavoring To Bottles For Beer Brewing Equipment

  • Oct 21, 2021
  • 140
  • tiantai
Adding flavoring to your bottles for beer brewing equipment is a great way to change up you’re the flavor of your craft beer brewery business and make it into something totally different. While the breweries process may sound intimidating it is actually very simple!
There are few things you should know when adding flavoring to your bottles so I wanted to go through what those are and the best way to add flavoring.
When it comes to flavoring you can pretty much add anything you want. We find the best things to add to your bottle are, honey or maple syrup, vanilla extract, coffee or espresso shots, whiskey, and syrup.
Now a few things to note.
If you are adding something like honey or anything that will not be heated, you want to make sure you are using a fresh bottle. Anything that has been sitting around for a while has the potential to infect your beer. So an easy rule of thumb is to always use a fresh bottle.
When using things like coffee make sure to cool it to room temperature before adding it to your bottle.
When using different whiskeys you don’t want to add too much, we recommend nothing more than a shot per 740ml bottle.
Also if you are adding something that contains sugar such as honey or syrup do not add your carbonation drops. We usually go by a 1 to 1 ratio. So if your bottle calls for 2 teaspoons of sugar for carbonation then you would add 2 teaspoons of honey. Any more and you could risk over carbonating the beer.

If you are using the Syrups just check to see if yours is sugar-free or not. If it is sugar-free then you still need to add carbonation drops.
The Syrups are probably the best way to try all kinds of different flavors in your beer, we highly recommend those.
Now for adding it to your bottles, it is very simple, the bottling process does not change.
If you are adding something with sugar such as honey, you will add your 2 teaspoons of honey to your bottles, then fill with beer and cap. That’s it, it's easy.
If you are adding something without sugar like coffee, you will want to add your carbonation drops or sugar and then add your coffee, then fill with beer and cap. Simple!
I think people get intimated a lot about trying to experiment with their microbreweries, but this is a safe, easy and tasty way to try new flavors in your craft brew equipment.

Sales Manager
Tiantai Beer Equipment

Tags : brewery business    brewing equipment   
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