
1000L Direct Fire Heated 2-Vessel Brewhouse

  • Nov 03, 2022
  • 164
  • tiantai
1000L Brewhouse is most typical and common in Microbrewery, Brewpub, Bar and Restaurant etc.
For such brewhouse equipment, electric, steam and direct fire heating is optional. But electric means amount of electricity consumption per brewing day, so it needs to upgrade power source in building. Steam has best heating efficiency and effect, but it requests steam generator and pipeline as auxiliary machine, which increases budget a lot. In this case, direct fire heating becomes a better choice for 1000L brewhouses. 

Next, we would like to show you a 1000L Direct Fire Heated 2-Vessel Brewhouse.
1000L Brewhouse

1.) 2-Vessel Brewhouse, 1000L Lauter tun(LT) and 1000L Mash/Kettle/Whirlpool tun(MKWT) with 2000l hot liquor tank & 2000l cold liquor tank. MKWT and HLT are fitted burner for direct fire heating.
2-Vessel Brewhouse

1000L Brewhouse

1000L Brewhouse

You might be curious why not to have Mash tun and Lauter tun share one same tank, right? Based on direct fire heating, if Mash tun and Lauter tun share one same tank, this tank is not suitable to be heated since there is false bottom inside. But, as you know, for step mashing, heating is very important. That is Why the customer prefers to have Mash tun, Kettle tun and Whirlpool tun share same tank.

2.) Grain Rake with spent grain dozer in LT
1000L Brew Houses
3.) Manually lifted agitator in MKWT
With direct fire heating, it had better to have a agitator when heating mash. Otherwise, it is easy to scorch without timely agitating. But agitator in MKWT would affect whirlpool more or less. So, this agitator is designed to be manually lifted in order to reduce such effect.
10HL Brewhouse Equipment

4.)  Separated Cold Liquor tank and Single stage heat exchanger
In order to achieve more efficient wort cooling and energy recovery, this brewhouse is designed with separated cold liquor tank. In this case, the wort is cooled by only cold liquor. After heat exchanging, the temperature of cold liquor would increases to around 80℃. It can be used for second batch directly.
2-Vessel Brewhouse

5.) Chill the wort during whirlpool process to 80 C for hop additions.
6.) Semi-Auto control achieves full-automatic heating and cooling.
What you only need to do is to open/close butterfly valve etc. It is common in microbrewery since most of brewmaster hope to attend the brewing as much as possible. 

Hope our sharing can bring some good ideas for your brewery design!

Vicky Shao
Sales manager in Tiantai Beer Equipment Co
Tags : brewhouse equipment    Direct Fire Brewhouse   
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